‘Avengers: Endgame’ Exit Survey – Did the MovieBabble Staff Enjoy the Film?

by Nick Kush

Whether or not Avengers: Endgame surpasses Avatar and becomes the highest grossing movie of all time remains to be seen, but one thing is abundantly clear: Endgame broke the internet. With a three-hour runtime and plenty of moments that are tailor-made for discussion and general holy shitness, this is A LOT of movie, one that the MovieBabble staff wanted to talk about almost immediately.

Also, it goes without saying that MASSIVE SPOILERS ensue, so if you haven’t seen Endgame — so you’re the one! — you should probably bookmark this article and return at a later date.

Describe your overall enjoyment of the film with an appropriate gif.

Steven Ruiz:

Brennan Dubé: 

Image result for happy new year gif funny

Adina Bernstein: Same gif as in the entry survey. It captured my emotions perfectly!

Kali Tuttle:

Cammy Madden:

Collin Willis:

John Tuttle:

Olaf Lesniak:


Natasha Alvar:

Image result for dawson crying gif

Nick Kush:

Image result for not bad gif

How did you feel about the time travel in the film? Did it work for you?

Steven Ruiz: I had way more fun with it than I initially thought I would. It didn’t fit for something like this but it was a fun experience, so it worked for me.

Brennan Dubé: The time travel aspect definitely worked for me. They even poked fun at time travel with several references to other time travel movies, thus really disarming serious judgement that could come their way. Plus, it made for some very cool moments.

Adina Bernstein: It did, which surprised me. Most of the time, time travel feels either convoluted or an easy sci-fi narrative. It worked for this film.

Kali Tuttle: Honestly, I was really confused by the time travel. I felt like they threw in a bunch of big sciency words to make it make sense but I was just lost. I enjoyed the concept though!

Cammy Madden: Within the movie, the time travel aspect did work for me. However, I feel like they’ve left it too open and didn’t fully explain why other certain things couldn’t be changed via time travel. I feel like they should have connected the time travel element to the infinity stones in some way so that once the stones were gone, time travel wouldn’t be possible in future movies or couldn’t change anything extra within Endgame.

I also think that they used time travel to force too many characters into the movie. I mean, I’m completely for the appearances of older characters. I was hoping to see Ultron, so I was a little disappointed that he didn’t appear, but seeing characters like Crossbones and Pierce again just felt unnecessary beyond comic effect. The part where they watch Star Lord dancing around within the context of the Guardians of the Galaxy into did make me laugh, though.

Collin Willis: It worked as well as it needed to. There were definitely some plot holes opened up but it was a nice dive into Easter Eggs and the history of the franchise.

John Tuttle: Some of the time travel seemed to be as much BS as Back to the Future. (Love how others started throwing out pop culture references here.) However, the entire association with Nebula’s past, present, and future — I felt — was brilliant; her infiltration was a fantastic and volatile trigger within the plot.

Olaf Lesniak: Even though it ended up making no sense, the build-up and the outcome of the time heist gave us some of the most satisfying moments in the history of MCU.

Natasha Alvar: Kind of?  It worked for the most part, with the exception of Steve going back to be with Peggy.

Nick Kush: All I know is that seeing pseudo-Ruffalo Hulk explain Endgame‘s rules for time travel was equally alarming and confusing.

What’s your opinion on Fat Thor?

Steven Ruiz: I loved him! It fit his character arc very well. After so many years of feeling guilty that you weren’t able to save the people you love, you would kind of go to a drunk depression like he did. It didn’t seem to be that big of a change since we saw he still had the intention of getting revenge on Thanos.

Brennan Dubé: Fat Thor worked for me. Think about his circumstances, it is a reasonable assumption that one would go down the path he did. However, some jokes were a tad unnecessary and eye-rolling while others worked and were quite funny.

Adina Bernstein: Loved Fat Thor, he was hilarious. The best thing about him is the contrast to when we met him initially and how he tries to pretend that he is in the same Herculean shape that he was in before everything was shot to pieces.

Kali Tuttle: Fat Thor was hella funny but also uncomfortable at times. I kept expecting the lightning to come and zap a six-pack onto the god of thunder but it never happened. Kind of an odd choice in my opinion but I like how it showed a human side of a god.

Cammy Madden: I thought it was majorly disappointing. I understand that Thor was supposed to take his part in Infinity War to heart, but similarly to the time travel aspect, I feel like they used it for comic effect. They could have had some truly emotional moments with Thor in this movie, but instead they just made him look and act ridiculous.

Collin Willis: Terrible idea. Did not work. Thor should’ve been given Hawkeye’s arc, and instead he was a blubbering sight gag.

John Tuttle: Initially, beer belly (literally) Thor was a disappointment, but I for one approve of this comedic device. I found it entertaining just as I found the beer-bellied, middle-aged Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Olaf Lesniak: Fat Thor is most likely the deepest character in this film. His scenes are funny, but the minute he comes back to Asgard, you realize how damaged Thor is. And it’s serious. His encounter with his mother is heartwarming and I’m really thankful the Russos went in his direction. I wish more people would pick up on it.

Natasha Alvar: I didn’t like it. I think they played up the comedy of that a bit too much. We can understand despair and that Thor has been through quite a lot, but it got really grating after the hundredth joke.

Nick Kush: I’m all for a great sight gag, but as the film continued, it was nearly impossible to take any emotional beat involving Thor seriously. He’s continuously the punchline — even in the third act when lightning braids his fat man beard. Plus size heroes are great, but it was such an unfortunate choice to see Hemsworth walk around in a comically fake fat suit. This would’ve worked in a Naked Gun movie, not a movie where the setup is that half of humanity disappeared in a cloud of dust. I think there’s a better way to have Thor mix between comedy and heartbreak.

image via Variety

What was your favorite moment?

Steven Ruiz: Hands down when Steve was worthy of wielding Mjölnir. After that tease in Age of Ultron, it was about damn time. That’s the scene where I fanboyed the most.

Brennan Dubé: So many awesome scenes and sequences were served up in the film that a top 5, or even top 10 list would be fitting to answer this question. If I had to chose one, Cap’s send off and him being able to live his normal life with Peggy was definitely the most bittersweet and fitting way to end the film. Good for you, Cap!

Adina Bernstein: When Spider-Man is assisted by Pepper, Valkyrie, etc. in battle. By far the most memorable part of the film for me.

Kali Tuttle: While I loved Steve Rogers wielding Mjölnir and Dr. Strange opening the portals and all the Avengers assembling to fight Thanos, I’m a huge Tony fan so my favorite moment strictly involved him. I loved when we first met his daughter and she told him that she “loved him 3000.” I’ve never wanted to cry more than when Tony finally got the family he wanted so badly.

Cammy Madden: I smiled a lot when I noticed a bottle of Irn-Bru (a Scottish soft drink) in the background of Thor’s cabin. It says a lot that when someone becomes an overweight alcoholic, they also have Irn-Bru nearby. My favorite moment overall was probably the fight between Thanos, Cap, Iron-Man, and Thor. It felt like a good nod to their position within the MCU movies.

Collin Willis: In terms of coolness, Thor wielding Mjölnir and proceeding to let Thanos know who the boss was for a solid minute. I also really liked the “Hail Hydra” scene involving Cap.

John Tuttle: My favorite moment? 100% has to be “Avengers, assemble!” Everyone coming together to fight evil is an epic, empowering, and impressing occasion in the battle against Thanos and his cronies.

Olaf Lesniak: Hawkeye vs. Black Widow on Vormir. The idea that they have to fight to keep the other one alive is so dramatic and adds stakes on top of stakes. The way they also played it, how they fought each other in a very spy-like way — Widow shooting tasers, Hawkeye using arrows — and the return of the Even For You theme from Infinity War made it that much more heart-wrenching. It’s the most intense scene of the film that kept subverting my expectations as it went along. My heart started pounding!

Natasha Alvar: The America’s ass moment. Chris Evans is a fine looking man.

Nick Kush: Cap grabbing Mjölnir is definitely a fan favorite, but in order to keep to my hipster roots, I’m going to go off the beaten path and choosing Hawkeye’s cold open. It’s a perfectly executed, respectful sequence that sets you up wondrously for a first act full of suffering and death. Great stuff!

Which resolution hit you the hardest: Black Widow’s death, Iron Man’s death, or Cap’s retirement?

Steven Ruiz: Black Widow. I wasn’t expecting her to make a sacrifice as big as that. Especially when a film focused around her is a couple months away from filming.

Brennan Dubé: Black Widow’s death was a shocker for sure, however, Tony going out at the end was quite sad and the funeral topped it off really well. SO SAD! However I’d say Cap’s send-off was quite emotionally impactful too — it was just so perfect.

Adina Bernstein: Iron Man’s death. I feel like it was his way of making up for the shit he did in the past.

Kali Tuttle: Iron Man’s death was definitely the hardest for me. So unexpected and I cried really hard. He didn’t even get to really say goodbye to anybody, even Peter, which really broke my heart. I had a really hard time with it and I’m still trying to get over it. That’s why I’m seeing the movie again.

Cammy Madden: I think Black Widow was probably the one I expected the least. I knew that Cap wouldn’t be surviving, and I had my suspicions about Tony (although, part of me did expect the movie to end with Tony having a powerful moment at Cap’s funeral, but things didn’t play out like that).

Collin Willis: Iron Man’s death. Tony Stark is the beginning of this universe, he’s been in my living room since 2008. It’s weird to imagine a world where Robert Downey Jr. isn’t quipping in an Iron suit on a yearly basis anymore.

John Tuttle: Captain America is my favorite Avenger. His stepping down from the iconic position which he has held for so long was outstandingly touching; his final words and memories…bittersweet.

Olaf Lesniak: No contest: Natasha. The most shocking death by far, but also she just went out like a boss. I’m so happy how far this simple character has come, how complex they’ve made her. Seeing her go was difficult to accept and what’s worse is I didn’t want Clint to die either. It’s like choosing between children.

Natasha Alvar: Black Widow’s death. The moments leading up to it, when it was inevitable that it was the end for her. God, I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. I knew that it was pretty much the end for Iron Man and Cap, but I did not see Natasha’s death coming.

Nick Kush: I wish I had all the time in the world to go into a deep dive into the horrors that bad editing can create as it pertains to Black Widow’s death (a hard cut to something extreme is almost always a comedy cut) but personally, it was Old Man Steve! Chris Evans is surprisingly convincing as an elderly man? Who knew! Every time he talked in his old, tired, whistley voice, I couldn’t help but let out an audible “aww!”

image via GameStop

Where does the MCU go from here? What possible movie do you want to see the MOST?

Steven Ruiz: The future will be looking bright with the new additions coming into play in the future, X-Men and Fantastic Four being examples. I really can’t wait for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The search for Gamora, Thor joining the crew, and no Thanos in the way for them to worry about.

Brennan Dubé: Personally, I’d love to see a much simpler time in the MCU. After Spider-Man: Far From Home this summer, we may not see another MCU movie for two years (currently nothing is lined up for 2020). I appreciate a little time off for the MCU, but I’d love to see more films focused on one single hero in the future. Let’s build up to the next big crossover film just as they did with Phase One way back in the day. Also, let’s finally get the Fantastic Four done right… give it some time, but let’s make it happen!

Adina Bernstein: Honestly, I don’t know!

Kali Tuttle: Honestly, the MCU has nowhere to go. Sure, they have some movies planned for the future and they’ll be fun to watch (especially the next Captain Marvel and Spider-Man films), but it won’t be the same. I wouldn’t be surprised if Marvel lost a bit of its box office power now that the original Avengers are gone.

Cammy Madden: I really want something new. I’m not super interested in the remaining characters. I worry that Spider-Man: Far From Home won’t live up to the first movie. Black Panther is going to struggle with that as well. Thor 4 shouldn’t even happen. So I’m looking forward to something new. But now that James Gunn is back with Guardians of the Galaxy 3, I have a good feeling about that. I’m also looking forward to a good Fantastic 4 film. Hopefully one that skips the origin story in the same way they did with Spider-Man. The X-Men joining the universe will also be exciting, but I don’t expect that for a few more years.

Collin Willis:  I don’t know. For the first time since Iron Man (2008) there’s no clear direction. The MCU has always had the idea of the Avengers assembling for the first time and then Thanos as its end goal. Now that those goals are accomplished, I am excited to be surprised.

John Tuttle: Right now, I feel more drawn to the next volume of Guardians of the Galaxy. And I’m eagerly hoping the next Black Panther movie is just as awesome as the first.

Olaf Lesniak: I’m assuming almost everyone here will choose Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 here. With Thor or without Thor, this would’ve been my number 1 choice. However, the God of Thunder elevates my interest times two. The other one (as you can see from my past two answers) has to be the Black Widow movie. Can’t wait to see what she was like pre-Iron Man 2…and if maybe we can get a team-up with Hawkeye? More Hawkeye is always good.

Natasha Alvar: The Black Widow movie! Though I am looking forward to see what’s next for Guardians, given Thor’s presence. Should be interesting.

Nick Kush: Give me a toned Thor with the Guardians any day!

What’s your letter grade of the film on an F to A+ scale?

Steven Ruiz: A- for the first two acts but A++ for that final battle.

Brennan Dubé: For me, it’s an A grade! While there were some slight issues I had with the film, I was definitely all there for it. Wonderfully satisfying!

Adina Bernstein: A+

Kali Tuttle:  Enthusiastic A++ because it made me cry and I want to see it again and again.

Cammy Madden: I’d probably give it an A.

Collin Willis: A+. This film has its flaws (Fat Thor), but it hits every emotional, comic book, and superhero note it needs to. This film is 11 years and 22 films in the making, it is quite literally greater than the sum of its parts.

John Tuttle: Definitely A to A+ even. I highly recommend it!

Olaf Lesniak: I think Nick did a good job giving it a B in his review. Had some problems with the last act, but other than even I can’t hold much of a grudge on a movie that will stay in my memory this long.

Natasha Alvar: A solid B+. I wasn’t too happy with Cap’s ending, but I give them kudos for their construction of this Universe, and the way the movie tied everything together. It has been an amazing couple of years and I can’t wait for the next chapter to begin.

Nick Kush: It’s a B. It provides all the satisfaction that fans could ever hope for, doing enough to traverse through the more bumpy pieces of the narrative. But who cares about my critiques — it’s going to make $5 gajillion anyway!

image via Forbes

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Annlyel James May 14, 2019 - 7:20 pm

Love it!

Nick Kush May 15, 2019 - 8:40 am

I’m glad you did! 😁


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